TheArchive's Top Ten Movies of 2022

Each year at TheArchive we like to recap our ten most watched series and features. Let's start with our top ten features. We see that our audience has a preference for the beach and summer. We don't blame you, especially now since it's winter where we are and pretty chilly. Also chilly is #10 on the list - a bit of an outlier among the other nine - so jump in, the water's warm, and see what you watched the most in 2022. #10 with a bullet, A Mother's Revenge In A Mother's Revenge , Carol Sanders' (Lesley Ann Warren) world has com e crashing down when her young daughter (played by NXIVM cult member and convicted felon Allison Mack) is raped. Despite his criminal record, the man is acquitted. In a moment of rage, Carol shoots him and is now on trial herself. Academy Award nominated Bruce Davison plays the father. Fun fact: Annnette O’Toole also stars who was featured alongside Allison Mack in Smallville. The Whole Wide World , our 9th most watched , is the tr...