
Showing posts with the label Film

From The Page to The Screen: How Skip Hollandsworth’s Journalism Inspires Films

In film, inspiration often comes from the most unexpected places. For Netflix’s Hit Man , the inspiration originated not from a novel or a script written in Hollywood, but from an article published in Texas Monthly. The author behind this incredible article is Skip Hollandsworth , a journalist whose skillful storytelling has inspired several films, including Hit Man and the films Swearing Allegiance and For My Daughter's Honor , streaming on TheArchive .  Hollandsworth’s October 2001 article about the real Gary Johnson , a man known as the “most sought-after professional killer” in Houston, Texas, who was secretly working for the police. Johnson carried the persona of a dangerous assassin for hire while feeding crucial information to the police to help them bring down the criminals who hired him. Glen Powell co-wrote and starred in the Netflix film, which was directed by Richard Linklater .  Another film inspired by Hollandsworth’s journalism is Swearing Allegiance . Based on

Celebrate Earth Day All Week Long!

In this week's blog post, we're spotlighting Earth Day , which took place on April 22nd. But why limit the celebration to just one day? We invite you to join us in extending the celebration of the best planet in our solar system all week long!  Earth Day is an essential reminder of the critical importance of preserving our environment and promoting sustainability. It calls us to unite and take steps towards a healthier planet and a brighter future.  According to National Geographic Kids , the inaugural Earth Day marked a significant moment in history in 1970. Spearheaded by a senator from Wisconsin, a nationwide demonstration was organized to spotlight environmental concerns. This movement saw rallies unfold across the United States, prompting the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency by year's end. Fast-forward to 1990, and Earth Day had evolved into a global phenomenon, embraced by over 140 countries worldwide. With a diverse array of activities, resources

Spring Forward 2024!

Happy Spring Equinox ! Falling this year on March 19th, the Spring Equinox is more than a point in time when the earth’s axis and orbit line up to create a day with equal day and night. Throughout human history, cultures worldwide have long observed spring equinoxes as a time of renewal, rebirth, and interconnectedness with nature.  Ancient traditions, such as the Persian Nowruz , the Mayan Vernal Equinox , Ostara, the Wiccan holiday , Passover , and the Christian Easter , pay homage to this season of rebirth. Rituals and ceremonies, from planting seeds to dancing around Maypoles, symbolize the awakening of life and the promise of abundance.  Just as the earth’s ice thaws and the cold weather comes to an end, people are encouraged to reflect on what stagnant energy needs to be shaken off and what new projects we want to start. Spring Equinoxes can be celebrated by clearing out your home of clutter and all the heaviness of winter, exploring nature, and observing the seasonal shift outs