One of TV's First Mixed-ish Couples

In A Fight for Jenny , Kelsey and her new black husband must fight against her racist ex-boyfriend as he attempts to sue for full custody of their young daughter. Now Kelsey and her husband must fight injustice to get her back. Philip Michael Thomas, Lesley Ann Warren, and Jean Smart star. It is both a relief as to how far we've come, yet in many ways, how little progress has been made. In a New York Times review from 1986, the writer says " NBC has had some difficulty deciding how to ''play'' the television movie it is broadcasting tonight." The network's vacillating no doubt has something to do with the movie's subject. A Fight for Jenny is about an interracial couple. Kelsey, a divorced mother, is white. David is black. It would be easy enough to say that interracial relationships are not at all unusual by now in American entertainments. Pop sociologists can point to everything from the film Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? to the televisi...