Welcome Back Pinocchio!

This weekend Disney+ releases Pinocchio in what may be their worst reviewed film in years - at least for their animation to live action remakes. While this weeks' reviews of Robert Zemeckis' Pinocchio definitely set Guillermo Del Toro up for rousing success later this year with his highly stylized, no doubt brilliant "story of a wooden boy you've never heard before," we too have one you've never seen. In fact like this fall's dueling Pinocchios, we also have two. And that's the truth. Let's start with Welcome Back Pinocchio which is a charming Italian produced spectacl e boasting all the classic tropes yet it brings its own sense of wonder and departure from the original 1940 Disney classic. As the story goes, Pinocchio is now a young lad staying out of trouble for fear of being turned back into a piece of wood. But when he gets off track and manipulated into stealing, Pinocchio must learn the hard lessons that enable him to become a human once m...