Summer Summer Summertime

Summer Summer Summertime (for B-Movies...because you’ve seen everything else) Ahhh…summer! The Sand! The Surf! The Sun! The July 4th fireworks spectacle! Or in reality, none of that while we stew inside suffering through the same stupid shit on Netflix. As we continue into the Covid-19 apocalypse I’ve run out of stuff to watch. Until now. While I’m safely hidden in TheArchive ’s Top (Pop) Secret (thank you to our popcorn sponsor) bunker (totally not a broom closet), I’m going to share some B-Movie Summer fun from the dark corners of…not the broom closet! Or Roomba closet! (Thank you Roomba) How great is this image?!? So grab your sunscreen (can you get a sunburn from your iPhone?), stay six feet away from the TV, (can I give the virus to the actors in the movies? Some of them deserve it!), and enjoy a vision of days gone by…. I haven’t felt the sun on my skin in three months... Our first mo...