The Cinematic Response to 9/11

The tragedy of September 11, 2001, reshaped so many facets of our world, and film and media are no exception . The immense impact of the attacks introduced new genres and themes in film and media. This blog explores how 9/11 influences American cinema, the emergence of new cinematic themes and genres, and why movies based on tragedy are so popular. We’ll also dive into some movies based on 9/11, such as The Rest of Us , directed by Dr. Linda G. Mills. Immediately after the attacks, the media avoided showing destruction, shifting away from the disaster-laden blockbusters of the 1990s. Some films and TV shows, such as Sex and the City, even removed images of the Twin Towers from the opening credits of shows and scenes in movies. Most famously, the teaser trailer and poster for Spider-Man were edited so that the Twin Towers could no longer be seen in the background. In the Vox Article Movies, Patriotism and Cultural Amnesia , Lindsay Ellis states, “The two-year period immediately ...