Larry King Now and Always

Larry King has been a legend for decades now, not for being a radio or tv personality, but for being a true humanist - he never met a person he couldn’t interview. For a few years now, Multicom has had the high honor of distributing hundreds of episodes of Larry's interviews from his " Larry King Now " series that ran for many years following hanging up his CNN suspenders. It was the first interview show of its caliber created for both online and broadcast platforms. Regardless of its medium or delivery mechanism, he was a work horse like no other. Though it never seemed like he treated it as work, but more as a commitment with passion. He wanted each episode to be the best it could be and wanted everyone to enjoy every angle. Even the marketing and advertising had to be from a compelling Larry-style delivery. When we first began distributing the series, we wanted to make a few different promos explaining the show. We were worried it would annoy Larry...