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Showing posts from August, 2020
Josh Kirby: Time Warrior or Serial Killer?
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Josh Kirby: Time Warrior or Serial Killer? (aka an unnecessarily deep dive into Josh Kirby) Every clickbait article on Facebook, Twitter, or Buzzfeed seems to go on about how great the 90s were. Well, as someone who lived through it, I can tell you it wasn't all that great. The Phantom Menace, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Beanie Baby craze; all equally bad. These, however, pale in comparison to what could possibly be the worst thing about the decade... the creation of the scariest children's character, ever: Josh Kirby . Be afraid. Be very afraid... Having sat through these six movies, I'm 99% sure our protagonist is a serial killer who has imagined all of the adventures we see on screen. Oh, you want proof? Are the ravings of a crazy person, driven to insanity after months of Covid-19 isolation, not good enough for you?!? Well, here you go: 1. Josh's weird fascination with watches. In the very first scene , we see a dresser drawer full of watc...
Inside the Film Restoration Process
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We have recently mourned the passing of acting legend Wilford Brimley, who died on August 1 at the age of 85. Brimley became a household name thanks to his appearances in movies like Cocoon, commercials for Quaker Oats, and ubiquitous public-service announcements for diabetes awareness. Brimley’s acting career gained him loyal admirers among film fans, who heaped praise on his performances in films such as Absence of Malice, The Natural, The Firm, Hard Target, and of course, the cult horror classic The Thing. At TheArchive , we’re proud to have worked closely with one of Brimley’s many performances via our efforts to restore Where the Red Fern Grows: Part Two , the 1992 sequel to the 1974 film adaptation of the classic novel by Wilson Rawls. It was a privilege to construct a newly restored 4K master of this film from scans of original film elements. However, this proved to be one of the most difficult restoration processes we have undertaken for TheArchive . To give you a better sense ...