
4K Restoration - It's On!

Film restoration is a tedious process that produces wondrous digital remasters of cult classic films. Films are fully restored to present an updated version of the movie once enjoyed by many audiences, years and years ago. The restoration involves many parts and working with film scanning technicians and editors - from color correction to sound cleanup - giving the film a fresh face and new life – elevating it to Ultra HD. The process starts with scanning the film. Before scanning, our film technician inspects the film, and if necessary, physically cleans off dirt and smudges – any ‘interferences’ that may disrupt the quality of the film to be scanned. Then, by scanning each frame of the reel individually, the film is converted into pixels as a raw digital file, and therefore a "digital replica," so that the digital remastering process can begin. This is where the coloring, sound and overall editing can begin to restore the flick. Here, things can get labori