TheArchive During Covid

It’s morning and Darrin Holender is davening in his Beverly Hills office high above Wilshire Boulevard. There seems to be more to pray for than usual. Split between prayers and sneaking a peek at the latest emails flooding his inbox, the Hollywood sign looms beyond his gaze far in the distance. And very few cars pass below on Wilshire. The shades over the window slightly obscure its view and Darrin seems nonplussed by its usually daily reminder. The fact that Darrin has grown up with Hollywood in view and has never looked back, should say it all. And the fact that he is alone in the office should be no surprise either. He has his team safely distanced at home and has popped in to check the office, make sure the servers are still serving, and honestly, to give his wife and four kids a moment to appreciate what it’s like to have him return home from work at the end of the day. As a kid, Holender would accompany his father, Irv Holender to meetings arou...